GP 130: Introductory Seismology
Instructor: Greg Beroza
Introduction to seismology including: elasticity and the wave equation, P, S, and surface waves, dispersion, ray theory, reflection and transmission of seismic waves, seismic imaging, large-scale Earth structure, earthquake location, earthquake statistics and forecasting, magnitude scales. In this course you will learn practical observational skills, rooted in theory. Students will learn: how to interpret seismograms based on an understanding of the fundamentals of elastic wave propagation, how to use state-of-the-art algorithms to detect, locate, and characterize earthquakes, how to use measurements of seismic waves to constrain Earth structure, and how to access primary seismic waveform data (3 units).
Seismogram of the waves from the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake recorded on campus and damage to the old Chemistry building. The course will help you understand what these wiggles mean.
Access the current syllabus here: