Current Graduate Student Resources
See below for descriptions of Milestones for MS and PhD Students.
See All Milestone & Forms for current students
MS Student Milestones PhD Student Milestones Resources
Geophysics Minimum Advising Expectations
The Department of Geophysics is committed to providing academic advising in support of graduate student scholarly and professional development. For a statement of University policy on graduate advising, see the "Graduate Advising" section.
Each advisor meets with each advisee in Autumn or Winter quarter, beginning in the advisee’s first year, to develop/update a document entitled the expectations agreement that records the agreed-upon approach to the topics detailed in the agreement form. For further details on the department policy of the minimum advising expectations, see the "Geophysics Graduate Advising Section" in the Geophysics bulletin.
Minimum Advising Expectations Form
MS Student Milestones
See all MS Student Milestone Forms
MS Proposal
- Description: Submit a program proposal for approval by a faculty advisor in the first quarter of enrollment.
- Deadline: By the end of the first quarter of enrollment.
- Form: MS Proposal form
MS Orals
- Description: Each candidate must present and defend the results of their research at a public oral presentation attended by at least two faculty members.
- Deadline: No later than the last day of classes of the quarter the student is graduating. See the Academic Calendar for specific dates.
- Form: MS Oral Presentation
MS Annual Review
- Description: Discuss degree progress and future plans with the committee. Review to be attended by at least two faculty members.
- Deadline: To be completed by end of Autumn quarter – 2nd year.
- Forms:
- MS Annual Review
- MS Degree Requirements
See All MS Student Milestone Forms
Ph.D. Student Milestones
See All Ph.D. Student Milestone Forms
Pre-Candidacy Ph.D. Annual Review
- Description: For 2nd year Ph.D. students. Discuss degree progress and future plans with the advising committee. More information about the advising committee is here: Geophysics Bulletin
- Deadline: Must be completed by end of the Autumn quarter – 2nd year.
- Forms:
- Pre Candidacy Ph.D. Annual Review
- Ph.D. Requirements
Ph.D. Department Qualifying Examination
- Description: Presentation of the proposed research. Details and deadlines are located the Stanford Bulletin.
- Forms:
- Qualifying Oral Exam
- Application for Ph.D. Candidacy
Post Candidacy Ph.D. Annual Review
- Description: Discuss degree progress and future plans with the advising committee.
- Deadline: Recommended to be completed no later than Spring quarter of each year. The student’s Ph.D. defense serves as the final year review.
- Forms:
- Post Candidacy Ph.D. Annual Review
- Ph.D. Degree Requirement Form
Breadth Requirement
- Description: The Breadth Requirement can be met with either secondary research or secondary coursework. More detailed requirements can be found on the Geophysics Bulletin. The Geophysics Department provides up to $1,000 to be used for the breadth projects. The funds can be used to support research and to present results. Students should consult with their advisor and secondary research advisor for guidance on funding support.
- Deadline: The requirement must be complete before students go TGR.
- Forms:
- Second Project Form
- Secondary Coursework Breadth option form
- Secondary Research Advising Expectations Agreement
Teaching Assistantship
- Description: The Teaching Assistantship requirement is detailed in the Geophysics Bulletin. Please notify the Assistant Director of Student Services of TA appointments in order to be assigned to the course.
- Deadline: Students are required to complete this requirement before TGR status.
- Optional form: To be completed before the TA-ship: Teaching assistantship-instructor agreement
- TA Training: Required before the TA-ship TA-Ship Training
- TAing for International Students: International graduate students who wish to be appointed as teaching assistants or course assistants must first be screened by EFS for readiness to use English in a teaching role prior to starting the TA appointment. To make an appointment, a student should visit the following link to enter their information and book an appointment directly with Kristopher Geda. This only needs to be completed prior to the first TA-ship.
- Form: To be completed after the TA-ship Teaching Assistantship Certification
Reading Committee
- Description: Details about the reading committee is located on the Geophysics Bulletin [under program policies].
- Deadline: Must be completed before approval of TGR status or before scheduling defense.
- Forms:
- Doctoral Dissertation Reading Committee Form
- Certification of Thesis Draft
Terminal Graduate Registration [TGR] Status
- Description: After 135 units and all degree requirements have been met, students can apply for TGR status. A description of TGR status is located here.
- Deadline: Prior to the first day of classes
- Form & eForm (Required):
- Doctoral Dissertation Reading Committee Form
- TGR Form located in Axess
Thesis Defense
- Description: The student defends the dissertation before the defense committee and includes an open session. The defense committee is required to have four members plus a chair from another department. The student is advised to meet with the Assistant Director of Student Services a quarter prior to their defense to review a defense checklist. Two weeks before the defense date, the student is required to submit a University Oral Exam form, Certificate of thesis draft form, a defense flyer, and if applicable, a petition for non-academic council member form if any member on the defense committee is a non-academic council member.
- Deadline: When the thesis is completed. Typically during the 5th year.
- Forms:
- University Oral Examination Form, to be completed by the student two weeks in advance. The student is to completely fill out form and indicate each member of their committee.
- Certification of Thesis Draft, to be completed and approved by all committee members two weeks in advance of the defense date.
- If applicable, Petition for non-academic council member form
Dissertation and Thesis Submission
Please visit the University Registrar page for submission deadlines and preparation for electronic and paper submission. University Registrar
See All Ph.D. Student Milestone Forms
- Geophysics Graduate Student Handbook
- Academic/Registrar Office Forms
- Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures (GAP)
- The Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures handbook (the GAP) is a compilation of university policies and other information related to the academic progress of Stanford graduate students, from their application and admission to the conferral of degrees and retention of records.
- Stanford Office of Community Standards: The mission of the Office of Community Standards is to promote the mutual responsibility of members of the Stanford community to uphold the Honor Code and Fundamental Standard.
- Wellbeing at Stanford: Wellness topics, Counseling services, and resources on getting help!
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