Past Seminars with recordings
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Seminar Recordings
- March 7, 2024 [Geophysics Winter Seminar 2024] Jeff Shragge "Observations from the Seafloor: Low-frequency Ambient Wavefield Seismology on Large Ocean-Bottom Nodal Arrays"
- February 1, 2024 [Geophysics Winter Seminar 2024] Ettore Biondi "The Los Angeles basin: from shallow hidden faults to its deep kilometric roots"
- January 18, 2024 [Geophysics Winter Seminar 2024] Kristel Chanard "Insights into the Geodetic Signature of Continental Hydrology"
- November 30, 2023 [Geophysics Autumn Seminar 2023] Mathieu Morlighem "Can We (Yet) Predict How Fast Greenland is Going to Melt?"
- October 19, 2023 [Geophysics Autumn Seminar 2023] Ettore Biondi "An Upper-Crust lid Over the Long Valley Magma Chamber Revealed by Fiber Tomography"
- October 12, 2023 [Geophysics Autumn Seminar 2023] Zerina Kapetanovic "Connecting Farms, Forests, and Cities Using New Approaches to Wireless Communication and Sensing"
- October 5, 2023 [Geophysics Autumn Seminar 2023] Stephanie Chaillat "An Overview of the Capabilities of Fast Solvers Based on Boundary Integral Equations: From Seismic Waves to Underwater Explosions"
- June 1, 2023 [Geophysics Spring Seminar 2023] Eric Sandvol "The Eastern Edge of the Indian Plate and Mantle Flow Across Southeast Asia"
- May 25, 2023 [Geophysics Spring Seminar 2023] Martin Landrø "Sensing Whales, Storms, Ships, and Earthquakes using an Arctic Fibre Optic Cable"
- May 4, 2023 [Geophysics Spring Seminar 2023] Alex Evans "The Moon: Mysteries of the Adolescent Years"
- April 27, 2023 [Geophysics Spring Seminar 2023] Brent Minchew "Our Evolving Understanding of the Flow, Deformation, and Fracture of Glacier Ice"
- April 6, 2023 [Geophysics Spring Seminar 2023] Venkat Lakshmi "A Study of Hydrological Extremes from Space"
- March 16, 2023 [Geophysics Thompson Candidate Seminar 2023] Stephanie Olinger "Cracking the Case of Antarctic Ice-Shelf Rifting"
- March 9, 2023 [Geophysics Thompson Candidate Seminar 2023] Ke Wang "Widespread Land Subsidence Along the Gulf Coast and its Implication on Future Storm Surge Risk"
- February 9, 2023 [Geophysics Winter Seminar 2023] Cailey Condit "Feedbacks Amongst Chemical and Mechanical Processes During Slow Slip: Insights from Rocks"
- January 26, 2023 [Geophysics Winter Seminar 2023] David Wald "Citizen Science and Macroseismic Intensity in Earthquake Research, Engineering, & Risk Assessment"
- January 13, 2023 [Geophysics Winter Seminar 2023] Jacky Austermann "Imaging Mantle Viscosity and Why it Matters for Ice Age Climate"
- January 12, 2023 [Geophysics Winter Seminar 2023] Jacky Austermann "Sea Level and Ice Sheet Stability During Past (and Future) Warming"
- December 1, 2022 [Geophysics Autumn Seminar 2022] Artemii Novoselov, Jeong-ung Woo, So Ozawa "Meet the Stanford Geophysics Postdocs"
- November 3, 2022 [Geophysics Autumn Seminar 2022] Sasha Richey "Assessing Trends, Vulnerability, and Management Solutions in a Complex Regional Aquifer"
- October 27, 2022 [Geophysics Autumn Seminar 2022] Tapan Mukerji "Remote Sensing of Subsurface Systems: Uncertainty, Information, Decisions"
- October 20, 2022 [Geophysics Autumn Seminar 2022] Arun Majumdar "Energy and Materials Research from Nano to Macroscales"
- October 13, 2022 [Geophysics Autumn Seminar 2022] Artie Rodgers "Adjoint Waveform Tomography of the Crust and Upper Mantle of the Western United States"
- October 6, 2022 [Geophysics Autumn Seminar 2022] Oliver Tschauner "Silicate Perovskites as Minerals and Diamond Inclusions"
- April 21, 2022 [Geophysics Spring Seminar 2022] Liran Goren "The Physics and Implications of Soil Liquefaction Under Well-Drained Conditions"
- March 31, 2022 [Geophysics Spring Seminar 2022] Clare Curry "Missing Mountain Roots: Geodynamic Studies of Lithosphere Removal"
- March 17, 2022 [Geophysics Spring Seminar 2022] Ian Main "Modeling Earthquake Population Dynamics: An Introduction to the Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation Method, and Application to Californian Seismicity"
- February 10, 2022 [Geophysics Winter Seminar 2022] Thorn Lay "Exploiting Tsunami Recordings to Absolutely Locate Large Earthquake Finite Fault Rupture Models"
- February 3, 2022 [Geophysics Winter Seminar 2022] Jean-Luc Margot "Spin state and moment of inertia of Venus"
- January 20, 2022 [Geophysics Winter Seminar 2022] Nathalie Feuillet "Birth of A Large Volcanic Edifice Offshore Mayotte via Lithosphere-scale Dike Intrusion"
- January 13, 2022 [Geophysics Winter Seminar 2022] Meagan Mauter "New Methods for Quantifying Behavioral Responses to Environmental and Policy Change"
- January 6, 2022 [Geophysics Winter Seminar 2022] Haeyoung Noh"Structures as Sensors: Indirectly Monitoring Humans and Surroundings through Ambient Structural Vibrations"
- October 14, 2021 [Geophysics Autumn Seminar 2021] Ching-Yao Lai “How Does Ice Flow and Crack in a Warming Climate.”
- October 7, 2021 [ Geophysics Autumn Seminar 2021] Saeko Kita "Episodic Tremor, Aseismic Slip and In-Slab Seismicity on the Kii Peninsula"
- May 13, 2021 [Geophysics Spring Seminar 2021] Joan Gomberg "Sleuthing Slip on the Seafloor"
- April 29, 2021 [Geophysics Thompson Candidate Seminar 2021]Sahand Hajimirza "Can bubbles from explosive volcanic eruptions tell us about the shape of volcanic conduits?"
- April 22, 2021 [Geophysics Thompson Candidate Seminar 2021] Shujuan Mao "Space-Time Monitoring of Groundwater Fluctuations Using InSAN (Interferometry of Seismic Ambient Noise)"
- April 15, 2021 [Geophysics Thompson Candidate Seminar 2021] Wesley Neely "The Ups and Downs of the San Joaquin Valley: New Hydrologic Perspectives Using Geodesy"
- April 8, 2021 [Geophysics Thompson Candidate Seminar 2021] Osamu Sandanbata "Abnormal tsunamis caused by trapdoor faulting repeating at submarine volcanic calderas"
- April 1, 2021 [Geophysics Thompson Candidate Seminar 2021] Rachel Maxwell "Evidence for Complex Field Geometry for the Ancient Lunar Dynamo"